Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Feeling is not an island

Be not too hard for life is short

And nothing is given to man;
Be not too hard when he is sold and bought
For he must manage as best he can;

Be not too hard when he gladly dies
Defending things he does not own;
Be not too hard when he tells lies,

And if his heart is sometimes like a stone

Be not too hard – for he soon dies,

Often no wiser than he began;

Be not too hard, for life is short
And nothing is given to man.

For when man loves and opens his arms wide,
Like that Jew upon the cross,

Love steals his heart’s sweet breath;

And if he hugs his love against his side,

It crushes him to death.

Either way he bears the loss…

And must continue as best he can.
Be not too hard for soon he dies

Often no wiser than he began;

Be not too hard, for life is short,

And nothing is given to man.

- Christopher Logue 


Poem from a Three Year Old
Brendan Kennelly

And will the flowers die? And will the people die?
And every day do you grow old, do I

grow old, no I’m not old, do

flowers grow old?

Old things – do you throw them out?
Do you throw old people out?

And how you know a flower that’s old?

The petals fall, the petals fall from flowers,

and do the petals fall from people too,

every day more petals fall until the

floor where I would like to play I

want to play is covered with old

flowers and people all the same

together lying there with petals fallen

on the dirty floor I want to play

the floor you come and sweep

with the huge broom.

The dirt you sweep, what happens that,

what happens all the dirt you sweep

from flowers and people, what

happens all the dirt?  Is all the

Dirt what’s left of flowers and

people, all the dirt there in a

heap under the huge broom that

sweeps every thing away?

Why you work so hard, why brush
and sweep to make a heap of dirt?

And who will bring new flowers?

And who will bring new people? 
Who will
bring new flowers to put in water
where no petals fall on to the

floor where I would like to

play?  Who will bring new flowers

that will not hang their heads
like tired old people wanting sleep?
Who will bring new flowers

that do not split and shrivel every

day?  And if we have new flowers,

will we have new people too to

keep the flowers alive and give

them water?

And will the new young flowers die?

And will the new young people die?

And why?


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